Ankle Holster
Lightweight ankle holster, extra soft felt, form fits, no break-in.

Thompson Hip Carry
This holster was designed by Leroy Thompson, Dean of the Gun Writers. It is a low on the belt, behind the hip carry with a mild cant. The holster tucks the gun in tight for concealed carry and is a great range holster. Perfect for casual carry-out and around.

Named by a training instructor at an XYZ agency because of the high carry height and the fact it will hide under a loose t-shirt. He said it was the best deep cover holster he ever used. High and tight , extremely comfortable. Vertical or canted. Worn straight up it makes an excellent in the car holster.

Dual Slot Field Holster
A field holster that almost completely covers the gun.It can be worn strongside or cross draw. The holster features a thumb break for security.It is great for backpacking due to the cross draw feature allowing it to be out of the way.I have made many of these for backpackers and hikers The holster works well with revolvers from the J frame size to the N frame size revolvers. Especially designed for revolvers only.

Heavy Cant Pancake
The ever popular pancake design . The heavy cant has a medium ride height due to the heavy cant. Covers the gun well and offers very positive retention with good draw speed.

Hi Ride Speed Draw
The basic design came from Tom Givens of Rangemaster Fame. Tom is a highly experienced Lawman with many years as a professional trainer and a speaker at conferences. It is a mid ride carry height and is cut out to allow the muzzle to be presented more rapidly. The cut out also allows for an optic to be mounted on the gun.

Inside the Waistband Carry
Split belt loops and thumb break, vertical or canted

Half Flap Crossdraw
The holster was designed by John Taffin for medium and large frame revolvers. John said until this holster came along it was not possible to carry a big gun on your belt comfortably. The belt loops span about 5-5 1/2 inches to spread the weight of the gun out so you do not have a sore hip at the end of the day . A good belt is a must in order for the holster to do its job.John has written for most of the major gun magazines for years and in addition ,has written numerous books on hand guns. John is considered one of the Deans among the gun writers.

Pocket Holster
Made rough side out with a hook to keep the gun in the pocket when it is pulled . Made with the outline of the gun in the rear face so it will not print. Design ideas came from a veteran police officer.

Designed by Chris Brazzel, Unit Commander of the SIS unit , famous west coast stake out unit. Built tough but comfortable for long hours wearing the gun on or sitting in a car with the holster and gun on. It was reported to me from officers who wore the holster that it was extremely comfortable and after 10 years of use still looked like new A vertical carry system to allow for presentation while seated in a car . Can be ordered canted.

Skips Ultra Hi Ride
Designed by Skip Gochenour career P.I. director of ATSA and The NTI , the only 360 degree live fire tactical event in the country, guaranteed to stress you to the limit .The Ultra Hi Ride was designed to be worn under a short cover garment. It allows for a rapid presentation while seated. It is metal reinforced to assure a secure grip on the gun but provide the right tension for fast acquisition

Tactical Light
The holster designed by a U.S. Marshal back in the day when lights were just beginning to be used on guns. He helped refine the design to what it is today. I have made a large number of these thru the years , going to Police officers all over the country. What is there to say other than it works and it will conceal for plain clothes work .By the way it does not telegraph that you are beginning your draw stroke like plastic does. A good friend whose wife is L/E closed his eyes and out drew his wife every time with her newest greatest ultra safe duty holster because it was so noisy when she began her draw stroke.

Tom Givens Rangemaster for Autos
Tom Givens designed this holster a number of years ago , it is intended for people who have shoulder problems and cannot articulate the draw stroke from a vertical holster. Extra wide belt loop so it tucks in close to the waist but does not dig into your ribs, it is worn behind the hip with a 15 degree cant. Cut out in the front to allow for a very fast presentation but ultra secure.A plus feature is it will take an optic. The IDPA guys discovered that this holster was faster than their KYDEX by a couple tenths, they said it not me!

Tom Givens Rangemaster for Revolver Guys
Same as the auto version except for revolvers. This is for the Gum Shoes who know that revolvers work just fine and will handle the bad guys.

Vertical Hi-Ride Auto
Made from Horsehide as are all my items. The holster carries the gun vertically and has a body shield. Molded to the shape of the gun, no retention screws. It has two belt loops that keep the gun close. Comfortable when worn for long periods. A good car holster because it can be accessed while seated due to the vertical carry. Holster can be ordered with a 15 degree cant and without a body shield if you prefer.

Sheriff John’s Brown Shoe Vertical Hi-Ride
Named in Honor of Sheriff John Adler . He was Sheriff of Columbia County Pa. he was the only two time republican sheriff in the history of the county. He loved revolvers and carried a couple on a regular basis. A tough but fair sheriff in every sense of the word . Way head of the crowd when it came to tactics. He knew you better have a shotgun and rifle in the trunk because you could be on your own in a bad place. He loved 44 specials, like a lot of lawmen back in the day. We had great conversations about 44 specials, I miss Him. A revolver holster just for the guys who prefer revolvers .The guys that wore the Brown Shoes. Two belt loops for comfortable carry. Handles 45 oz. guns with ease. Available with a 15 degree cant

H.D Special Operations Model
Design by a good friend who was in Special Operations for years. The holster is made from heavy leather and has metal around the mouth, this allows for one handed cocking if and when necessary. This hoster is a tribute to Him and all like Him who are or were on the TIP of the Spear both in Special Operations and in Law enforcement.

Dual Use Cross Draw with a Body Shield
Can be worn as a cross draw or a strong side appendix carry. About a 15 degree cant. Auto or Revolver .

Beretta Manurhin Revolver Holsters
We have molds for the 3, 4, 5 1/4 barrel Beretta Manurhin Revolvers.
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Coming Soon
As we introduce new holsters, we’ll add them to our site. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, feel free to send us a message, and we’ll do our best to assist you.

Coming Soon
As we introduce new holsters, we’ll add them to our site. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, feel free to send us a message, and we’ll do our best to assist you.